Audio Sex Toll Free Submission Hotline


If you are over 18 years old, you may call our toll free phone number and leave a sexy message to be posted on the website. The call is totally free for you. Before we give you the phone number, you must agree to the following terms.

Terms Of Use

By calling our toll free number, you are swearing that you are over 18 years old and that you are legally allowed to leave an adult message on our system. You are also granting us the right to post the message on the site as well as, at our discretion, any other adult website that we run. If you leave your email address on the machine, we will do our best to make sure that you are fully credited for the message. You may call as many times as you would like to leave adult messages. However, anyone abusing the system by calling repeatedly and leaving garbage messages or by trying to violate the security of our voicemail system will be banned and may be investigated and/or charged under Interstate Commerce laws. We reserve the right to decide which messages get posted and when they get posted. We are not responsible for mechanical problems or any other issue which may arise out of you leaving a message on our system or the subsequent posting of the message on the web. You may only continue, and you may only call the number, if you agree to all of these terms.

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